剛看完了bring it on,好喜歡啦啦隊, 如果我也去參加就好了!
他里面總共有4集, 我想最好看的要數第4了!
Bring it on! in it to win it!
由ashley benson飾演carson(跟我同年哦, 可是盡然可以being a cheerleader in the firm!好羨慕哦!!); Michael Corpon飾演Penn。 他很帥啊!!
The spirit is the most important thing within the team. That wasn't being called as a team, when the spirit is gone. That seem is the reason for a team gather and try their best to work out the job!
那要怎么和解這一場一場的誤解、不和? 我想 tap 能夠把不和、誤解說出來, 然后大家大笑一場, 就像bring it on 一樣。
他們的表演超棒的哦! 要捧場哦!! =p